Guidelines for Presenters

The following guidelines have been adapted from a variety of sources. Please note that the suggestions below are not exhaustive. We invite you to imagine the conference as a space of, and for, community, and to enact access as a community project. 

Please refrain from wearing or using scented products. 

What to bring 

  1. A backup copy of your presentation on a USB drive
  2. Access copies of your presentation 

Access Copies

Please bring print copies of your presentation and distribute them (or ask your moderator to distribute them) before your session begins. You may request that these copies be returned to you at the end of your session. 

Print copies of your presentation will help those who have low vision, hearing difficulties, learning disabilities like auditory processing impairments or attention disorders, and others follow along with your presentation. Providing print copies is not the same thing as using visual aids like PowerPoint slides, because individuals can read, highlight, and review print  copies at their own pace during your presentation. 

  • For presentations using slides:
    • Bring several copies of your slides printed with 1 slide per page and;
    • Copies of your slides printed with 3 slides per page
  • For presentations without slides:
    • Print several copies of your presentation verbatim in both 12 and 16-point font or;
    • If you cannot print your presentation verbatim, consider providing a written outline and/or key points of your presentation in both 12 and 16-point font 

What to Expect

  • Moderators open each session by introducing the title of the session, the names and affiliations of its presenters, and the titles of their presentations. Moderators will alert presenters when they have 5 minutes left to finish their presentation, 1 minute left, and when to stop.
  • Presenters begin presentations by introducing themselves and re-reading the title of their presentation. Presenters should also alert the audience if there are any aspects of their presentation which may challenge accessibility such as triggering content or video screenings.

Before your presentation

  • Practice and time your presentation to ensure it falls within a 15 minute time frame. If you require more time for accessibility purposes, please let conference organizers know as soon as possible to ensure it is included in the schedule.
    • Presenters will be given no more than 20 minutes to deliver their presentation (unless otherwise indicated) in order to ensure all presenters in a session have time to give their presentations as well. 
  • If you have slides, ensure these are uploaded (and functional) in your presentation room before your session begins. Moderators may assist you as needed.  
  • If you do not have a moderator for your session, when possible, remove obstacles from doorways and aisles (e.g., garbage bins, chairs, etc.), and ensure that the seating space around the panel table at the front of the room can be easily navigated.