2018 Recipient

Name: Catherine Turnbull

Institution: Mount Allison University

E-mail: catherine.a.turnbull@gmail.com


I am philosophy student at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick. I am interested in contemporary feminist philosophy; more specifically, I am interested in epistemology, philosophy of science, phenomenology and their intersections. I am currently working on a project in freedom, ambiguity and experiences with contraceptive technologies, and well as on an exploratory project on the potential for a philosophy of journalism. I think a lot about storytelling, bodies, and the loving ignorance in my relationship with my sourdough starter.

Paper title

Suggestions for a cripistemology of pain and gender: bolstering feminist analysis of pain experiences through a pain-centric model


In this paper, I discuss how feminist epistemological analyses of gendered experiences with pain, especially in the healthcare system, can be bolstered by employing a pain-centric model. To develop this model, I draw on Alison Patsavas’ term “cripistemology” as well as Elaine Scarry’s work on the ineffability of pain experiences. I suggest that the relationship between pain and gender is ripe terrain for a feminism that integrates disability studies. A collective criticism of Western healthcare, one that not only demands attention to gender but also demands better understandings of bodies, fuels this integration.


feminist philosophy; epistemology; cripistemology; pain; healthcare; gender